What happened to Malaysian 370?
When Malaysian flight MH370 with 239 people on board disappeared without trace or explanation, the whole world held its breath. How could such a thing happen?
It was clear to most people in aviation that it could not be an accident. An aircraft cannot fly that far, for that long and through such a complex series of events unless it is controlled by someone who knows what they are doing.
Not only that, it had to be someone with a plan. This led Oliver Howard, himself a pilot, to speculate that a new kind of terrorism was beginning to emerge.
On that basis he wrote this book and included in it many of the details about aviation which are left out of news reports. The book is full of insights that explain the nuts and bolts of aviation, and by giving his readers a first hand experience of life on the flight deck of an airliner, he shows them how such a thing could happen.
For all that, this is a novel, not an accident analysis. Even so, it may come close to describing events unfolding at this very minute in the world of international terror. Events designed to bring down not only airliners but the entire financial structure of the Western world.
If those plans succeed, it is “All Right, Good Night” to the way we live.
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